Independent and cutting-edge analysis on global affairs
DOI: 10.58867/PKCG7289

Girls and women constitute approximately half of a country’s population. As Therese Hyden from Sweden stated in her article in 2019[1], when she rightfully called for inclusion of women in global political discourse, “By excluding women, half of the population is left out”. Women’s rights activists continue to call for equal rights for girls and women, for opportunities to become part of a sustainable world society where everyone has equal rights to life, liberty, education, and work. In fact, they stress the ‘equal right to life and liberty’. 

However, equal rights of girls and women does not end there. We must also include the equal, unalienable right to life of the preborn at any stage in the development. Concise, indisputable facts which science has provided from decades of work studying the development of human beings from conception to death has provided precise empirical data that life begins at conception. It’s that simple.

It’s mindboggling that human rights activists do not consider the preborn baby a human being with equal rights to life. A senseless war on women and babies has been declared, not by Congress but by the Elite. Often, and hypercritically, they are the same people who oppose the death penalty, but they indiscriminately accept it on preborn babies. There’s no logic, nor reason, in that perspective; to spare one but not the other.

In countless instances, the excuse for pro-choice views ranges from reason due to incest, rape, and women’s right to choose over their own bodies. They argue the need to reduce the world population count (just not themselves included), a discourse running parallel to the pro-choice discourse.

Scientists claim to use the empirical data, not beliefs. Therefore, this article will present facts that abortion is nothing but a callous and heinous war on mothers and their babies in a sinister attempt to control world population growth in carefully selected parts of the world. In contrast, other parts of the world are largely ignored. Many of these countries appear to be largely exempt from the narrative, perhaps due to the fear of religious retaliation to impose Western, globalist ideology on their culture, ignoring the fact that in these countries the birth rate of women far outweighs that of western women. 

Abortion is one of many ways the war on women and babies is practiced. Other ways, though not limited to, are unisex restrooms and bathrooms, formula shortages, transgender athletes unfairly competing with biological women and girls, promotion of LGBTQP opposing the natural relationship and procreation between a man and a woman, and activists attacking married couples (between a man and a woman) for receiving tax benefits that single people do not have such as child tax credits. The ways to attack women and their babies seem not to end. 

While it should not be necessary to reiterate something that is elementary and middle school basic teaching, a false narrative has been sold by abortionists that the fetus is not really a human being until it is born. Nothing could be farther from the truth, nor more distorted of scientific facts. Therefore, it is only logical to take a moment to review the basics. 


Scientific Facts Regarding the Fetus is a Living Human Being From the Day One

Science has proven beyond any reasonable doubt that cells must be living to perform functions, such as contractions, and carrying oxygen, as is the function of red blood cells, and like nerve cells that carry information. For these functions to occure, scientists have determined that cells must be alive. This is basic knowledge taught in elementary and middle school science classes, and it cannot be disputed. A dead cell is not considered to be living. 

Scientists have proven that at the age of 18, in the days just into the pregnancy, the heartbeat of a fetus can be detected. The cells have thus developed and become a fetus, a baby in development. As the illustration shows, vital organs form during the first nine weeks.[2] The baby is alive and growing, drawing nutrients and oxygen from their mother. The thumping sound of the baby’s heartbeat can be heard and the tiny human being is rapidly growing; its development can be followed meticulously day by day. At this stage, it is ethically and scientifically incorrect to claim that it is not a human being.  

By the ninth week,[3] the baby has begun to look like a tiny human being, and you can see its tiny pertruding fingers and limps, its nose, mouth, ears, and eyes can be distinguished. At fourteen weeks, the baby’s eyes have moved into their place and he or she can squint, frown, and grimace in response to its senses. Note that there is scientifically two genders: male and female. At this stage, the baby can feel pain and pleasure. The little boy or girl is actively moving its arms and legs. Their hands and feet, fingers and toes, are well distinguished. Undoubtedly, it is a living human being, the blood of its mother and father running through its veins. It’s not science that miraculous produced the baby. This is not like putting a bag of corn kernels in the microwave, and poof, for a bag of popcorn to come out two minutes later. Scientists do not produce living human beings. They can merely observe and study them. 


A close-up of a baby

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14 week old fetus. In Florida alone, in 2022, more than 82,000 babies were aborted at before the 15th week. That is 255 per day.  


Between fifteen and twenty weeks, the baby’s nervous system is rapidly maturing,[4] and the bones are starting to form. The baby’s sensory system is in rapid development. At this point, the baby can feel pain if exposed to trauma, such as the excruciating pain the baby feels during an abortion, in which, as Abby Johnson[5] explains in Unplanned, and many others have testified, the abortionist physician dismantles the baby limp by limp. There is no respect for the human life of the preborn in this brutal, inhuman, and disgusting act of violence. 

The baby’s sensory system is developing, such as its sense of taste, smell, hearing, vision, and touch. At eighteen weeks, it’s about the size of a large banana.

At twenty-three weeks, the baby can swallow and may get hiccups. At this stage, the baby would be able to survive outside the womb with medical attention. At twenty-eight weeks, the baby has entered the last trimester. He can hear and sense light. He finalizing the last developments before preparation for birth. It is a fully developed human being at week 37. 

In the state of New York, late-term abortions up to the time of birth are permitted, a legislation signed into law by the former Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo in January 2019. The state of New York is not the only state which allows the killing of a full term baby. Outraged erupted when the state of Virginia introduced late-term abortion, which would allow, as in New York, abortions to take place up until the time of birth. It may have contributed to the previous governor losing the election to Governor Youngkin. 


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A healthy baby born at 39 weeks, the state of New York would permit it to be aborted. 


Full-term abortion is murder. It is an act of evil and should be treated as crime on equal terms as premeditated murder because of the intentionality behind an abortion. 


Sentenced to Death by Abortion

Before week 15, more than half of the abortions take place. In the United States, the Center for Disease Control reported that in 2019 629,898 abortions were performed.[6] That is 1,726 abortions, or executions, per day in the U.S. Most of the them were performed by Planned Parenthood. Let’s compare it to the 22 executions of criminals performed the same year in seven different states.[7]

Planned Parenthood and other pro-choice activists continue to twist the narrative that pro-choice is about women’s reproductive rights, claiming falsely that they are concerned with human rights. However, their human rights activism never includes the right to life of the human preborn baby, despite, as discussed above, the fact that the baby feels the unbearable pain of having it’s limbs ripped off its body one by one in pieces, as if it were a stuffed toy. 

Anyone who has ever had a limp blown or torn off can testify to the pain associated with it. Thus, it is unfathomable that a physician, who is sworn to save life, will act as an executioner of a baby. This inhumane act of violence and brutality must stop. It is not sustainable for humanity to kill millions of babies, in its true sense, in a modern age in which social justice is a high priority on the progressives’ agenda. 


The Billionaire’s Club on Population Reduction

For over a decade, numerous sources reveal discussions of the extremely wealthy billionaire’s club on reducing the world’s population count. In 2009, the Wall Street Journal[8] reported that this “club’s” plan is to create what they perceive as sustainable development plans for the world’s population. The discussion was backed by Bill Gates own words[9] when he in a conference spoke about the need to create a sustainable plan to reduce the world’s population. In other words, kill off human life at it’s source. With those word, Bill Gates openly declared war on woman and babies.  

Bill Gates encouraged his audience to support his proposal and its method to reduce the world’s population through vaccines, reproductive healthcare (a.k.a. abortions), and healthcare (sterilizations, vasectomy, hysterectomy, birth control). His war on women and babies through science and scientific methods, was to “successfully” reduce the world’s population with 15 to 20 percent. Gates has been obsessed with abortion and reduction of world population for decades inspired by his father, who was a key player in Planned Parenthood for years, an billion-dollar organization to be discussed further below.

Since 1973, 62 million babies have been aborted in the United States. That is an average of 1,240,000 babies per year; more than the number of Jews Hitler killed per year during World War II.  

Bill Gates’ perspective is completely anti-women’s rights and human rights to live, not to mention that in the United States it inarguably violates the Declaration of Independence which provides every citizen with the unalienable right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, targeting women and babies is the absolute epitome of evil. Thus, abortion is unconstitutional, and legislators must be held accountable for passing legislation that does not conform to the Supreme Law of the Land. 

Moreover, abortion supports the practice of euthanasia and infanticide. It’s a declaration of war on innocent people using, among other sources, taxpayer money, as organizations such as Planned Parenthood receive millions of dollars yearly to continue the conveyor belt of infant and fetus body parts. At the abortion clinic, a mush of body parts is processed through a suction devise and blender to liquify the human body that was a living baby just a few moments ago. 

Is that sustainable development? Or is this cruel and unusual punishment? Or is it simply premeditated first degree murder? 


Systemic Warfare On Women Is About Money and Politics 

In the United States, according to Karen Handel, former Komer’s Senior Vice President of Public Policy in 2011[10], Planned Parenthood is a type of mafia collaborating with the DNC. At no point is it about women’s rights to choose, nor has it ever been about healthcare or about the babies in the womb. In fact, it is NEVER about the preborn babies. Planned Parenthood is only about money; a so far legal way of reducing world population through human slaughterhouses falsely highjacking the name ‘reproductive healthcare clinics’, and we have all become too accustomed to politically correct pretty words that disguise the brutal ugliness of the truth, a truth that many cannot stomach when faced with it. 

In the multi-billion dollar war on mothers and babies, no mercy is ever shown for the preborn lives, nor for the mothers. And forget about the fathers, should he ever want the baby. He has no rights in the industry of ‘reproductive healthcare’. In the world of ‘reproductive healthcare’ (human slaughterhouses), men’s opinions matter to no one. They have been degraded to mere inconvenient sperm donors that women can walk all over, deprive of fatherhood, in the name of ‘my body, my choice.’ 

According to former clinic director of Planned Parenthood, Abby Johnson in her personal narrative Unplanned, Planned Parenthood’s main focus is to persuade all clients (for patients they are truly not) into having an abortion. It is the objective from the moment they receive the first call from the woman, as I have experienced twice too. 

Planned Parenthood does not make the majority of their money on birth control, mammograms, or other healthcare-related services for women and girls. According to Karen Handel, Planned Parenthood does not offer mammograms, which is mindboggling considering this service's important role in women’s healthcare. 

On Wednesday, 12 April 2023, I visited Planned Parenthood’s website to research Karen Handel’s claim that Planned Parenthood does not mammograms, as per her 2012 statement. Additionally, I wanted to find out for myself what kind of ideas the staff sells relative to the side effects and pain of abortion. Would they downplay it? 

On their website, I was met by something as impersonal as a bot. You read it right. A bot. When I asked the bot if they offered mammograms, the bot gave me the most peculiar answer I would ever have imagined, not ever having visited Planned Parenthood’s website before in my life. The bot provided advise about masturbation, which has nothing at all to do with mammograms. Bizarre. It makes one wonder just what in the sick world Planned Parenthood is really about? 

Subsequently, I called Planned Parenthood in Miami, Florida to inquire about mammogram services offered, and they confirmed that none of their clinics offer this service for women’s health. Furthermore, I pretended I was 17 weeks pregnant, in the second trimester, and inquired about getting an abortion. While in the state of Florida abortions are illegal after the 15th week, Planned Parenthood will not discourage the caller from having an abortion at this stage. The client service representative advised me that I should contact a Planned Parenthood clinic in South Carolina, which offers abortions up to week 22. 


The image below shows a fetus age 17 weeks. 

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Does the person answering the phone at Planned Parenthood know what she is telling the caller in respect to the state of development of the human being that is growing inside the mother at the age of 17 weeks of gestation? Has she ever seen a baby at this stage in development, or is she just blindly following a script and completely clueless about the fact that she just advised a mother-to-be to go kill her own baby? 

In Florida, a movement is working tirelessly to amend the Florida Constitution to protect all human life at any stage in development. It’s in absolute agreement with the U.S. Constitution which provides all in the country the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You do not have a right to kill in the U.S. Abortions are essentially unconstitutional and should be abolished. You may wonder why the pro-abortionists fight so hard to keep abortion legal, and there are some on the right side of the political aisle too who support pre-natal infanticide. Is it really about women’s right to choose? Or is it about keeping alive the multi-billion dollar industry of abortion? Or is perhaps convenient for legislators themselves to have access to abortion when they have cheated on their spouse (again) and sweep the evidence under the rug? Or is it a way for human traffickers to get rid of the evidence when they have raped their victims? 

In conclusion, the War on Women and Babies is officially a war and not just a title of this article. The White House, under Joe Biden’s Administration,[11] is eager to find ways to ban medical groups and physicians from sharing information pertaining to investigations of clinics performing illegal abortions. Meanwhile, they will not take steps to protect the preborn from becoming yet another statistic of the already 62 million babies executed in the name of “women’s rights” and “reproductive healthcare rights”. 

Pro-abortion groups have donated billions of dollars since 1973 to pro-abortion politicians, as one of the many ways the redistribute wealth. Is that sustainable development or is it systemic infanticide up to the time of birth? You decide.


[1] Turkish Policy Quarterly, Spring 2019, Vol. 18, No. 1, Sweden’s Feminist Foreign Policy Illustrated). 




[5] Abby Johnson is an American prolife activist who previously worked for Planned Parenthood (in which abortions make up 95 percent of the organization’s pregnancy services) as a clinic director, until she resigned in October 2009, after she, according to her statements, witnessed an abortion on ultrasound in which the physician dismantled live the baby

[6] Kelsey Dallas, “How Common is Abortion in the U.S.? Your Questions, Answered,” Deseret, 1 June 2022.

[7] Death Penalty Information Center, “The Death Penalty in 2019: Year End Report”, 17 December 2019.


[9] 2010 TED conference, 1:28 minutes to 1:44 minutes.

[10] Howard Books. 2012. 

[11] Micaiah Bilger, “Joe Biden Wants to Protect Abortion Records, but not Unborn Babies,” Life News, 12 April 2023.

Karina Schmitt
Karina Schmitt

Karina Schmitt is the Campaign Director in Ruth Swanson Campaign for Supervisor of Election Miami-Dade County. 

Foreword The global order is undergoing profound transformations, reshaping alliances, power dynamics, and strategic priorities in ways that remain uncertain. In an era defined by rapid geopolitical shifts, economic volatility, and evolving security paradigms, the international community faces increasing challenges that require adaptive and innovative responses. This special issue of Transatlantic...