Independent and cutting-edge analysis on global affairs

TPQ Opinion welcomes online submissions for opinion articles on any topic. All submissions must be exclusive to us. We do not consider opinion articles published in other publications or online. Most opinion articles run from 1000 to 1300 words, although we sometimes publish shorter or longer articles. 

Every submission will be read and reviewed by a member of our editorial staff. Although we can't respond to everyone individually, we will do our best to assist as many as possible. Should we not respond to you within five business days, you may offer your work elsewhere.

The best way to submit an article is to send it as an attachment in Microsoft Word to The subject line of your e-mail should read “TPQ Opinion Submission.” All opinion articles should be written in Times New Roman 12. You should use American spelling and punctuation throughout. When submitting your opinion piece, please also include the following information as well as a picture of yourself and your current title.

  • Author's name
  • Contact phone number (With area code)
  • Subject (Global Affairs, Technology, Economy or Business, Culture, Politics, etc.)
  • Relevance or expertise in this area (Please give a brief explanation of what makes the author an expert in the field)
  • Name of author's Twitter account, if applicable


By submitting an opinion article, authors acknowledge that the opinion piece is original and will appear exclusively in TPQ Opinion and will not be published elsewhere, in print or online.

Foreword The Balkans, a region often caught in the crosscurrents of global power dynamics, stands as a testament to the intricate and evolving geopolitical landscape. Historically a bridge between East and West, the Balkans today are a focal point of strategic interests from major global players, including the European Union, NATO, Russia, and Turkey. The region's journey through the post-Yugoslav era,...