Independent and cutting-edge analysis on global affairs

TPQ has been featured more than 500 times in reputable news outlets such as: AGOS, Al Monitor, CNN, CNN Turk, Cumhuriyet, Duvar English, Euractiv, Financial Times, Huffington Post, Hurriyet Daily News, Hürriyet, Jerusalem Post, Milliyet, The Globalist. For all media appereances please click here.


Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu - Krizden çıkış yolu: İşbirliği

“Avrupa’nın işbirliği ve bütünleşme süreci, müreffeh bir Avrupa toplumunun yaratılması adına bir başarı hikayesi olmuştur. Özetle, bölgesel ticari işbirlikleri ve bütünleşmelerin topluluklar içerisinde esaslı büyüme ve gelişme sağlamakla beraber, topluluk üyeleri arasındaki olası siyasi rekabet ve krizleri önleme görevini de göreceğini söyleyebiliriz.”

–Euractiv, 3 June 2015


Sami Kohen: Gaz koridoru ve... Kobani

“Kobani’de olup bitenlerin, Güney Gaz Koridoru girişimini aksatabileceği kaygısı var. Türkiye’de İngilizce yayımlanan Turkish Policy Quarterly dergisinin önceki gün İstanbul’da yerli ve yabancı enerji uzmanlarının katılımıyla düzenlediği konferansta dile getirilen en önemli görüşlerden biri bu...”

–Milliyet, 17 October 2014


Turkey mulls ‘bold steps’ of Armenia to begin ‘new era’

“In an article published in the spring edition of the Turkish Policy Quarterly journal, Davutoğlu wrote that Erdoğan’s statement should be the foundation for further steps. “Erdoğan’s message of condolence should not be seen as a conjunctural step. It should be seen as a prelude for transformation of minds and memories because this is not only an offer of condolence but also a sincere  invitation to all parties to ensure a common future based on lasting peace,” he wrote.”

–Hurriyet Daily News, 25 June 2014


Barçın Yinanç: PM can’t afford to lose; does that mean electoral fraud?

“Cem Toker, the chairman of the Liberal Party in Turkey, has penned an article listing his concerns of transparency and oversight with technical details, which was published in the winter issue of Turkish Policy Quarterly. As he has mobilized the liberals in the European Parliament, 18 MEP’s led by liberal Dutch MEP Marietje Schaake have sent a letter to EU High Representative Catherine Ashton and European Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Füle to request that they set up an EU election observer mission for the monitoring of municipal elections.”

–Hurriyet Daily News, 18 March 2014


Ilves: Türkiye, Güney Kafkasya’nın Avrupa sürecine yardımcı olabilir

“Estonya Cumhurbaşkanı Toomas Hendrik Ilves, Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) dergisine verdiği röportajda Türkiye’nin, Ukrayna’daki gelişmelerin ışığında Azerbaycan, Gürcistan ve hatta Ermenistan’ın da Avrupa-Atlantik bütünleşmesi sürecinde önemli bir rol oynayabileceğini söyledi.”

–Euractiv, 1 April 2014


Turkish businesses targeted after Erdogan comments

“In an article published on Friday in the journal Turkish Policy Quarterly but written in April, Rahmi Koc, the octogenarian honorary president of the group, made clear his reservations about Mr Erdogan’s bid to make Turkey, the world’s 17th-biggest economy, one of the 10 largest by 2023.”

–Financial Times, 13 September 2013


Türkiye ile Doğu-Batı koridoru kuruyoruz

“Gürcistan Devlet Başkanı Mikheil Saakashvili, Turkish Policy Quarterly (TPQ) dergisine röportaj verdi.”

–Milliyet, 22 July 2013


Rasmussen: ‘Suriye’de siyasi bir çözüm gerekiyor’

“NATO Genel Sekreteri Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Turkish Policy Quarterly’ye verdiği mülakatta ittifakın Libya’da üstlendiği rol, Suriye ve Gürcistan’ın ittifaka katılımıyla ilgili değerlendirmelerde bulundu.”

–Euractiv, 3 December 2012

Foreword The global order is undergoing profound transformations, reshaping alliances, power dynamics, and strategic priorities in ways that remain uncertain. In an era defined by rapid geopolitical shifts, economic volatility, and evolving security paradigms, the international community faces increasing challenges that require adaptive and innovative responses. This special issue of Transatlantic...