Independent and cutting-edge analysis on global affairs
"A Critical Juncture for the Southern Corridor: Will all Pipelines Lead to Turkey?,"

Date: 15 October 2014 Venue: Elite World Hotel Istanbul

Sponsored by BP Turkey
In academic collaboration with
Caspian Center for Energy and Environment of
ADA University
With support from
Trans Adriatic Pipeline


  • Barçın Yinanç: Op-ed Editor of Hürriyet Daily News.


  • Matthew J. Bryza: Member of the Board of Directors, Turcas Petrol. Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Atlantic Council. Director, International Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn.
  • Michael Hoffmann: External Affairs Director,Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP).
  • Murat Lecompte: Director of Communications, BP Turkey.
  • John M. Roberts: Energy Security Specialist and Senior Partner, Methinks Ltd.
  • Elnur Soltanov: Assistant professor, ADA University, Baku. Chair, Caspian Center for Energy and Environment.
  • Discussant: George Stavri: Visiting researcher, Dundee University's Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law. Representative of the new Citizens' Movement “ONE CYPRUS!”

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Video of the event - Part 1

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Video of the event - Part 2

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Foreword The Balkans, a region often caught in the crosscurrents of global power dynamics, stands as a testament to the intricate and evolving geopolitical landscape. Historically a bridge between East and West, the Balkans today are a focal point of strategic interests from major global players, including the European Union, NATO, Russia, and Turkey. The region's journey through the post-Yugoslav era,...