Turkish Policy Quarterly -The Atlantic Council IN TURKEY –joint special issue on Turkey’s Energy Nexus: Discoveries and Developments was launched at the Atlantic Council’s headquarters in Washington, D.C. in December 2018. Based on the joint publication, at this second gathering, our panel will address energy dynamics in Turkey and its neighborhood, in the context of a shifting geopolitical landscape. Topics of discussion will include developments in TANAP, energy diversification, energy potential in the Eastern Mediterranean, as well as their wider implications for regional stability and Turkey’s current and potential cooperation on energy with Europe and the United States. We also seek to explore the choices ahead for Ankara’s policymakers as Turkey continues to advance a sustainable energy transition and attempts to reach its energy and climate targets.
13:45-14:15 – Registration
14:15-16:15 – Panel Discussion and Q &A
Opening Remarks:
Simone Kaslowski President, TÜSİAD
Defne Sadıklar Arslan, Representative and Director for Atlantic Council IN TURKEY, Atlantic Council
Ayşegül Erdem Ventura, Managing Editor, Turkish Policy Quarterly
Moderator: Matthew Bryza, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Eurasia Center and Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council;Member of the Advisory Board; Former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan
Speakers: Erika Olson, Economic Counselor, US Embassy to Turkey
Murat Özyeğin, Vice President, TÜSIAD; Chairman of the Board, Fiba Enerji
Mithat Rende , Member of the Board of TSKB; Former Ambassador of Turkey the OECD; Ex-Chairman of OECD Executive Committee and Chief Climate Change Negotiator.
John M.Roberts (TBC), Senior Fellowat the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center and Global Energy Center, Senior Partner with Methinks Ltd, Member of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Group of Experts on Gas.