Independent and cutting-edge analysis on global affairs
The Wider Black Sea Area: Region, Crossroads or Buffer?, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Every year, TPQ's summer issue runs in paralel with the ARI Movement's annual international security conference. The conference, held at the end of June in Istanbul, focused on "Democratization and Security in the Black Sea Region"...
US Policy in the Black Sea Region, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
  From the U.S. point of view, NATO is and will remain the premier provider of security for the Euro-Atlantic region, which includes the Black Sea. Far from seeking to charge into the region, the U.S. approach is to work with its...
The Role of the EU in the Resolution of the Conflicts in the South Caucasus, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
The conflicts of the South Caucasus remain frozen and the region itself is thus“ broken”. Based on the confidence all involved parties have in the EU and the increased interest of the EU in the region, there is certainly a role for the...
BSEC: A Road Map to Relevance, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
This article shares the author’s observations about the Black Sea region at large and discusses thecurrent status and future potential of the Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC).Several arguments are put forth regarding the...
Turkey and Russia: Partnership by Exclusion?, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Despite a long history of tension and conflict of interests, economic and political relations between Turkey and Russia have deepened significantly. This article provides a comprehensive account of the bilateral relationship and argues that the...
Possible Consequences of a New Geopolitical Game in Eurasia on Turkey as an Emerging Energy Transport Hub, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
  Much attention has focused on Turkey emerging as a major energy transport hub as the energy security needs of EU member states have become a pressing issue. However, it will be difficult for Eurasian crude oil and natural gas to...
Widening without Enlarging: The European Neighborhood and the South Caucasus, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Common definitions of “Europe” locate the South Caucasus just outside. Although it has only recently been included in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP),the South Caucasus is of particular interest because of its geographic location andits...
Turkey and its Balkan Neighbors: Partners or Competitors?, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
  Enlargement has been the most successful policy instrument of the European Union. The current debate on enlargement fatigue, this paper argues, carries high political costs and casts doubts on Europe’s credibility as a fo...
A New Strategic Outlook in Turkey, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
The political mood in Europe is anti-Turkish and the recent conflict between Ankara and Nicosia comes as an opportune excuse to push Turkey off the agenda. The failure however, is also on the part of the government of Turkey for failing to take...
The Black Sea: New Arena for Global Competition, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
  The provisions of the Montreyx Convetion have rendered a unique situation in the Black Sea region wherein Access of war vessels of countries which do not have a coast in the Black Sea are very restricted. Today the Black Sea region has...
Towards a New NATO-Turkey Partnership in Central Asia, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
This article discusses the altered strategic environment facing Turkey and its NATOallies since the Cold War. It reviews these countries’ recent relationship withRussia and Central Asian states and recommends policies that could...
The Black Sea as an Energy Transit Corridor, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
Due to the market condition of energy resources, we are experiencing heightened competition globally. The reserves of the Caspian region and Russia render the Black Sea an important pasageway. However shipment of oil through the straits with tankers...
Solving South Caucasian Conflicts and Building Regional Security, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
The demise of the USSR in 1991 created a power vacuum in the Soviet space that lingers to this day. This development acted as a catalyst in igniting the conflicts in and around the region. Security concerns of the independent states have steadily...
Turkey’s New Geopolitical Agenda, Summer 2006Tuesday, September 5, 2006
  Turkey's multilateral and independent policies vis-à-vis its neighbors represent  the key component  to a new strategy  for dealing with its own internal and  external regional change. The deepening...
Foreword The rapid pace of geopolitical change, the urgent necessity for sustainability, and the fundamental importance of energy security converge to shape our complex global landscape today. This issue of Transatlantic Policy Quarterly delves into "Change, Security, and Sustainability in Energy," offering insights from scholars and professionals on how regions and nations are navigating this...