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Populism and the Age of Upheaval
Vol 18 No.3 - Fall 2019
From the Desk of the Editor
Friday, November 29, 2019
TPQ’s Fall 2019 issue, published in collaboration with the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, titled Populism and the Age of Upheaval, examines the rise of populism and its impact on the international order – from governance issues to the...
Ayşegül Erdem Ventura
A New Democratic Agenda to Counter the Populist Tide Around the Globe
Friday, November 29, 2019
We currently live in a “populist Zeitgeist”.[1] In the past decade populist parties have surged in popularity around the globe. In a wide array of developing countries ranging from Hungary to the Philippines, populists have attained power...
Berk Esen
The Rise of Populist Islam in Indonesia
Friday, November 29, 2019
Populist Islam, in the sense of using Islam as justification for activism in the social and political arena, is growing in Indonesia. Calls for the implementation of Shariah (Islamic law) in various socio-political aspects is the main focus of...
Umar Juoro
Authoritarian Power and Populist Resistance
Friday, November 29, 2019
It is widely agreed that the Indian general elections held in Spring 2019 gave birth to an authoritarian mode of power. How has this been possible? How could democracy be the route to a new model of power in India? How could democratic institutions...
Ranabir Samaddar
Beyond Disinformation
Friday, November 29, 2019
Ask a hundred voting age Filipinos whether they are satisfied with the performance of President Rodrigo Roa Duterte and, if the latest surveys hold true, 85 of them will say yes.[1] More than three years into the President’s term of six, and...
Mikael De Lara Co
Political Realignment: Threats and Opportunities for European Liberals
Friday, November 29, 2019
In the last few years, the rise of populism has been the dominant narrative across the political spectrum. As the Timbro Authoritarian Populism Index shows, this narrative is not without justification. More than one in four European citizens cast...
Adam Bartha
Beyond Populism: Political Tribalism in Poland and Hungary
Friday, November 29, 2019
While one of the best thinkers of our time talks about a “populist zeitgeist” that has been going on for decades in Western political systems,[1] in our opinion, what we have been experiencing in many democracies (or ex-democracies) goes...
Péter Krekó
Attila Juhász
Populism and State Sovereignty in the European Context
Friday, November 29, 2019
This paper aims to answer questions regarding the EU structure, modern party politics, the role of populism, and the pressure the international system exerts on state actors. Firstly, the EU legacy is described as: the general trends of...
Markos Troulis
Populism as Composite Ideology
Friday, November 29, 2019
Until recent times, populism was something fairly alien to the average “Western” consumer-voter. It had the ethereal flavor of an elementary textbook definition — and when discussed more concretely it mostly brought to mind distant...
Emma Galli
Giampaolo Garzarelli
Confronting Far-Right “Masculinities”: Implications for NGOs
Friday, November 29, 2019
Last October, Hungary’s populist Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, took the extraordinary step of revoking accreditation and funding to universities offering gender studies programs.[1] On the surface, banning gender studies is a bizarre act...
Nick Galasso
Populism and Climate: The Endgame
Friday, November 29, 2019
The climate crisis is the greatest threat to humanity, but the actual fight of our lifetime is as old as humanity. It intertwines the eternal struggle against uninhibited greed, plunder, and hate. The main difference from the past is that today, we...
Sanjeev Kumar
The Role of Leadership Networks in Turkey–Balkan Relations in the AKP Era
Friday, November 29, 2019
“President Erdoğan was sent by God,” said Bakir Izetbegovic, a Bosniak member of the Bosnian Presidency at the time, in an election rally organized by the Bosnia branch of the Union of International Democrats (UID)[1] in Sarajevo on 20...
Hamdi Fırat Büyük
Ahmet Erdi Öztürk
The rapid pace of geopolitical change, the urgent necessity for sustainability, and the fundamental importance of energy security converge to shape our complex global landscape today. This issue of Transatlantic Policy Quarterly delves into "Change, Security, and Sustainability in Energy," offering insights from scholars and professionals on how regions and nations are navigating this...
A Case Study in Forecasting: Bertrand Russell’s The Problem of China
Onur Anamur
Françafrique - The Numbers Behind the Decline (Revised)
Onur Anamur
Empowering Turkish Youth - A Journey on Leadership & Political Transformation: Part VII
Kemal Köprülü
Empowering Turkish Youth - A Journey on Leadership & Political Transformation: Part VI
Kemal Köprülü
Empowering Turkish Youth - A Journey on Leadership & Political Transformation: Part V
Kemal Köprülü