Independent and cutting-edge analysis on global affairs
From the Desk of the EditorTuesday, June 2, 2020
During the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals and governments across the globe have been reminded of the value of human life and the delicacy of human psychology. Societies have been forced to conform to governments’ speedy decisions to prevent the...
Istanbul’s Syrian Children and YouthIstanbul’s Syrian Children and YouthTuesday, June 2, 2020
Since the beginning of Syria’s civil war, millions of people have been killed and displaced from their homes. Fleeing from their burnt-down country, the majority of Syrians seeking refuge have settled in Syria’s neighboring countries....
Combating Human Trafficking in Turkey Combating Human Trafficking in Turkey Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Historically speaking, slavery dates back to 4000 BC in Mesopotamia, becoming more visible with the Atlantic slave trade between the 15th and 19th centuries. Today, slavery has morphed into “modern slavery”, of which human trafficking has...
Mexico’s Feminist Foreign PolicyMexico’s Feminist Foreign PolicyWednesday, June 3, 2020
In his address during the 74th session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2019, Mexico’s Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Marcelo Ebrard, pledged that our country would adopt a feminist foreign policy. In January 2020, during the...
Why Corporate Responsibility Matters in the Fight Against Human TraffickingWhy Corporate Responsibility Matters in the Fight Against Human TraffickingWednesday, June 3, 2020
At the end of 2019, the global anti-trafficking community had to admit: While they now knew much more about Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) since the Palermo Protocol’s inception in 2000 — which initiated a new vision for anti-THB...
Assessing Covid-19 Through A Gender LensAssessing Covid-19 Through A Gender LensWednesday, June 3, 2020
World leaders, movie stars, and professional athletes have all been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. But despite this seemingly leveling effect, the new and potentially deadly coronavirus disease is no great equalizer. On the contrary, as it...
Facing Human Traffficking in the Baltic Sea Region Facing Human Traffficking in the Baltic Sea Region Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Trafficking in human beings is not tolerated in the Baltic Sea Region, the society is aware of the risk factors and vulnerabilities that facilitate human trafficking, perpetrators are vigorously pursued and prosecuted, and victims of all forms of...
Women and Girls At The Center Of Refugee Responses: Strategies And ApproachesWomen and Girls At The Center Of Refugee Responses: Strategies And ApproachesWednesday, June 3, 2020
We live in a world where conflicts and disasters have become the new normal. Not surprisingly, refugee crises continue to increase in scope, scale, and complexity. There are 25.9 million refugees around the world[1] who have been forced from their...
The Rohingya Crisis: Refugees and Human Trafficking NetworksThe Rohingya Crisis: Refugees and Human Trafficking NetworksWednesday, June 3, 2020
Consider the case of 23-year-old Nazmin Nahar.[1] As a Rohingya refugee from Myanmar, who settled in a camp in Bangladesh, she was offered a job in a garment factory by one of her distant cousins. She accepted the offer, was taken to...
A Transnational Threat: Exploitation and EnslavementA Transnational Threat: Exploitation and EnslavementWednesday, June 3, 2020
Every day, people living in the developed world wake up, drink their coffee, eat breakfast, get dressed, and go to work. However, what most people do not realize is that there are millions of other people who wake up without having something to drink...
Do You Hear the Youth Sing?Do You Hear the Youth Sing?Wednesday, June 3, 2020
This year marks the fifth anniversary since the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) adopted the landmark Resolution 2250 (2015) on “Youth, Peace and Security”. The resolution was a milestone in the recognition of youth’s efforts...
Foreword The global order is undergoing profound transformations, reshaping alliances, power dynamics, and strategic priorities in ways that remain uncertain. In an era defined by rapid geopolitical shifts, economic volatility, and evolving security paradigms, the international community faces increasing challenges that require adaptive and innovative responses. This special issue of Transatlantic...