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The Brave New World of Global Security
Vol. 3 No. 2 - Summer 2004
The Brave New World of Global Security, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
In the second issue of its third year, TPQ has chosen to focus on Euro-Atlnatic cooperation in tackling the new threats of the changing global security enviroment.As the NATO Summit in Istanbul approaches, the contributors to the current issue...
Nigâr Göksel
NATO's 2004 İstanbul Summit: Charting the Alliance's Ongoing Adoption to 21st Century Risks and Challenges, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Projecting stability has become the precondition for our security. Territorial defense remains a core function, but we simply can no longer protect our security without addressing the potential risks and threats that arise far from our homes....
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Afghanistan at the Crossroads of History, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Had the international community not intervened, Afghanistan would probably have further deteriorated as a breeding ground for terrorists and drug-traffickers, and it could well have become a powerhouse generating constant instability not only to its...
Hikmet Çetin
Re-Conceptualization of Soft Security and Turkey's Civilian Contributors to International Security, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
The mix and method regarding how hard and soft security policies are implemented in times of crisis and conflict are still contentious issues. There is a substantive amount of discussion among scholars and experts on how to make the best use of...
Uğur Ziyal
Links between Terrorism and Drug Trafficking: A Case of 'Narco-Terrorism'?, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
This article explores the nature of links between terrorism and trafficking in illicit narcotic drugs. It discusses some of the empirical evidence on the simultaneous presence of armed conflict, including the terrorist variety, and the cultivation,...
Alex Schmid
Weak and Failing States: Critical New Security Issues, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
This essay defines the nature of state failure and explains the differences between strong, weak, failing, failed, and collapsed states. The author argues that failing states are a particular worry to the security of the twenty-first century. The...
Robert I. Rotberg
To the Shores of Tripoli, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
From the Halls of Montezuma to the Shores of Tripoli” the opening line from the U.S. Marine Corps Hymn, refers to the armed action President Thomas Jefferson took in the early 19th century against the Muslim corsairs of the Barbary Coast of...
Ali Köknar
Turkey, Iran and Nuclear Risks, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
In his assessment of Turkey’s approach to WMD risks the author includes the perceptions and internal dynamics among various regional actors, capabilities of involved players, and the role of evolving strategic alliances. Analyzing possible...
Ian O. Lesser
Turkey's Sweet and Sour Policy Against NBC Weapons, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Turkey’s geographic location requires it to take measures against the proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons as well as ballistic missiles as their delivery vehicles in its immediate neighborhood. These measures are mainly...
Mustafa Kibaroglu
Turkey's Security Needs and Policy on the Threshold The 21st Century, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
The classical understanding of threat, security, and stability have transformed over the recent years. This essay analyzes Turkey’s readiness and priorities in this new security environment. Demir stresses that Turkey’s goal should be to create a...
Şinasi Demir
NATO's Role in South Caucasus Regional Security, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
This article begins with an analysis of the security deficit in the South Caucasus and how instability in this region could threaten the interests of NATO. The author argues that NATO’s increased engagement in this region is needed. To this end, the...
Svante E. Cornell
Progress and Challenges: The State of Security in the Balkans, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
This article argues that despite some progress in the area of security the Balkans, the countries of the region still face hard and soft security challenges. The unprecedented financial, political and military engagement of the EU and its member...
Sandra Breka
ESDP and New Security Challenges: How The Petersberg Tasks Have Come A Long Way?, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
The Petersberg tasks refer to the scope of EU military missions. A military mission is defined by the requirement that it respond to threats and security challenges with available capabilities. For the EU, both emerging threats and available...
Gülnur Aybet
European Defense: Why the EU Should Play a Bigger Role?, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
This article assesses the development of ESDP in the context of relationships among EU states and makes certain suggestions as to how to minimize potential rifts among member states to move forward constructively. As Charles Grant relates NATO’s...
Charles Grant
Anti-Americanism and its Threat to Transatlantic Cooperation and Security, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Anti-Americanism has become fashionable and is now a threat to the transatlantic cooperation. The risks of anti-Americanism are numerous and severe. Protests against “American imperialism” connected with almost all recent international summits...
Christian Jokinen
EU's Long-Term Stability Strategy for the Middle East, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
Not only Middle Eastern states, but all other states –particularly the states in this strategic environment– are economically dependent on the region’s oil resources. Besides economically guaranteeing the continuous flow of...
Siret Hürsoy
Transformation of Al-Qaeda's Strategy in Light of the New Global War on Terrorism, Summer 2004
Sunday, September 5, 2004
The September 11 attacks have changed the world’s security environment. The tremendous developments in the wake of this event have resulted in two major wars. The sustained struggle against terror has yielded significant results, but not a...
Arben Qirezi
The global order is undergoing profound transformations, reshaping alliances, power dynamics, and strategic priorities in ways that remain uncertain. In an era defined by rapid geopolitical shifts, economic volatility, and evolving security paradigms, the international community faces increasing challenges that require adaptive and innovative responses. This special issue of Transatlantic...
From Coalition Chaos to Single-Party Power: Reflections on Turkey’s and ARI Movement’s Political Transformation
Kemal Köprülü
A Case Study in Forecasting: Bertrand Russell’s The Problem of China
Onur Anamur
Françafrique - The Numbers Behind the Decline (Revised)
Onur Anamur
Empowering Turkish Youth - A Journey on Leadership & Political Transformation: Part VII
Kemal Köprülü
Empowering Turkish Youth - A Journey on Leadership & Political Transformation: Part VI
Kemal Köprülü